- Stress Response and Trauma
- Safety, Values, Mental Health and Triggers
- Feelings and Emotions
- Wellness, Seff Care and Personal Growth

Drumming for calm one day group program is theme based and a deep dive and exploration into the specific topic. It is a facilitated group program that requires the completion of the 2 hour group drumming introduction and basics.
It is for anyone 15 years or older who are wanting to decrease their response to stress and distress.
- The group runs for 6 hours.
- The program provides the use of drums, percussion instruments, and hard copy handouts, resources and take home – take away techniques for everyday use.
- Cost for the full day workshop is $300 per participant and payment is required in full prior to the start.
- The group will run based on a minimum of 8 attendees and a maximum of 14 plus the facilitators.

Participants will engage in a full day – 6 hour program that is designed to be safe, fun and provide information, skills and resources to manage stress, distress and increase your sense of choice and control about your reactions and actions.
The drumming program is not individual or group therapy – it is a space and program to support healing and provides regulation skills, new learnings and understanding about different ways to regulate and support yourself with guided drumming as the core method of exploration. Drumming in all its different forms is a powerful instrument for healing: physically, socially and emotionally.
The program is based on the following guidelines and values:
- Safety
- Collaboration and mutuality
- Trustworthiness and transparency
- Empowerment and choice
- Cultural, historical, gender issues and respect for diversity and inclusivity and equality.

The group will be facilitated by
- Kaye Griffin, with
- Canine co-therapist – Emmie (Alaskan Malamute)
We hope that you will join us in the drumming program full day and be part of the fun and learning.
Contact Kaye Griffin for further information, registration form and payment details by email to: kayegriffin@mindmatterscounselling.com
Registration and full payment is required the month before each group.